€ 525,00
• Wi-Fi, BT, BLE, NFC, USB
• Built-in Li-Ion battery
• GPS with internal antenna
• Audio voice feedback
• Flexible inputs for direct sensor connections
• Multiple temperature inputs
• Built-in acc/gyro for steering wheel position
• Bigger display with better contrast and fast update
• 5 programmable very high brightness warning LED lights
• Separate better / worse LED lights
• Software adjustable RPM input
• Slim design
• Expandable with UniBox
Extra included with Kit 1:
- USB/Charge cable
- RPM wire
- Charge
- Extra included with Kit 2:
- USB/Charge cable
- RPM wire
- Charger
- Water temperature sensor incl. cable
- Extra included with Kit 1:
- USB/Charge cable
- RPM wire
- Charger
- Temperature splitter long for water and exhaust sensors
- Water temperature sensor
- Exhaust temperature sensor, professional